Saturday, November 27, 2021

New Year’s Eve?

Tomorrow, the Church begins a new year. November 28, 2021, The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of Year C in the Church three year liturgical calendar. As we begin, continue and end - Let us pray:

Prayer for the New Church Year

God of all time,
may this calendar remind us
that every day and every season
are created by you.

May this calendar invite us
to celebrate the feasts and seasons
of the new Church year
with color, story, symbol, and song.

As we celebrate the new Church year,
open our minds and our hearts
to learn more about you,
about your Son, Jesus,
and about Mary our Mother
and all the saints
who walked in your way.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Amen. *

* From RCL Benziger,