Monday, September 30, 2013

October 2013 Edition of The Banner, Calendar and Rota

On the sidebar to the right, you can find links to pdf copies of St. Alban’s current editions of The Banner, Calendar and Rota for October 2013 (and older editions). You can read them on your computer or print them for yourself. Enjoy!

Remember that if you want to receive these publication by U.S. Mail - just let us know! 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

St. Thomas' "Back to the Bayou B.B.Q."

St. Thomas’ “Back to the Bayou B.B.Q” will be held on Saturday, September 28 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. and features the Back Pew Pickers, cake walks and games. Adults $10, Kids $5

St. Thomas' Episcopal Church is located at 3706 Bon Aire Drive, near the ULM campus.

Blessing of the Animals

Blessing of the Animals 

On Wednesday, October 2, 2013, at 5:30 p.m., we will bless all the animals of St. Alban’s.  This is two days before the day when the church remembers Francis of Assisi.

We will meet in the circle drive in front of the church. Bring your dog, cat, hamster, goldfish – whatever!

You can stay in your car or stand in the driveway. You can have your pet in a kennel or on a leash. Come as you are. Come rain or shine. The Blessing of the Animals will go on!

Spiritual Formation Retreat

Your life matters on an infinite and eternal scale. 
Diocesan Spiritual Formation Retreat: 

Connecting the Dots with Bishop Jake Owensby 

November 8 - 10 Hardtner Camp and Conference 

Bishop Jake Owensby is our guide to an understanding of Christian Hope. Save the date and watch for further details. 

Joy in the Journey

Joy in the Journey header

The Commission on Addiction and Recovery, Episcopal Diocese of  
Western Louisiana, presents its twenty-third Recovery Retreat.

Joy in the Journey
Friday September 27, 2013, 7:00 p.m. - Sunday September 29, 2013, Noon The Hardtner Camp and Conference Center, Pollock, LA   

Featuring internationally known Retreat Master Father Tom W., S.J
Father Tom W., S.J. travels around the world spreading the good news about Spirituality and Recovery. Father W will be departing immediately after our "Joy in the Journey'' Recovery Retreat to conduct retreats in Asia. He has been involved with people in twelve-step programs since 1976. A former director of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and a teacher, he has degrees in counseling, education and theology.

Total cost of the Retreat is $115.00 per person.
Click here to download a Joy in the Journey registration form

Canon Richard Norman

The Rev. Canon Richard Hudson Norman, Jr. has accepted the call to become rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Monroe.

Father Norman grew up in Alexandria, LA, and was confirmed at St. Timothy's, Alexandria. A graduate of LSU, he attended General Theological Seminary in New York City and was ordained a deacon by Bishop Robert J. Hargrove at St. Mark's Cathedral in 1992 and priest at St. Timothy's, Alexandria in 1993. He has served several churches in the United States and Europe and most recently as senior canon at St. Mark's Episcopal Cathedral in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Father Norman is married to Adrienne McKee (a New Zealander who works in finance). The Normans have two children: Hudson, 11, and Oliva, 9,

Father Norman's ministry will begin at Grace on the first day of Advent, December 1, 2013. He and his family are excited about returning to Louisiana.

Please pray for Canon Norman as he and his family begin their transition to Monroe.

Bishop Jake on Love, Part Five

Another great video from Bishop Jake on the subject of love. Take some time to watch and think about his thoughts...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Big News for Our Friends at Grace

Grace Episcopal had called a new rector! Please see the copy of a letter from Grace's Senior Warden, Stephen Harrison below:

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bishop Jake on Love, Part Four

Men's and Women's Study Groups

An Exploration of the Old Testament

An Exploration of the Old Testament
The Hebrew Scriptures

St. Alban’s new Adult Education Class will be a survey of the Old Testament or Hebrew Scriptures. We will meet at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings in the Conference Room. Each week we will learn a bit about the Old Testament and have some time for discussion and fun. The class will be presented sequentially, but feel free to drop in when you can.  

Join us and bring your Bible!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

On the 12th Anniversary of September 11th

O God, you bring good from evil and can turn our anger towards peace. Hear our prayers as we remember those of many nations and differing faiths whose live were cut short twelve years ago this day. We pray for peace and a day when we, our neighbors and our perceived enemies can learn to live together in love. These things we ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

St. Alban's Women's Group and Men's Study Group

Both the Women's and Men's groups will begin meeting on September 11, 2013. The Women (known as the Marys and Marthas) will meet at 4:00 p.m. and discuss their study plan for the coming year. The Men will meet at 6:15 p.m. and will be reading and discussing Reading the Bible Again for the First Time, by Marcus J. Borg.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

B.B.Q. and Potluck Lunch

This Sunday, September 15, 2013, St. Alban's will have its Kick-Off B.B.Q. and Parish Potluck Lunch following the 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist.

Come celebrate and learn about all the Christian Education Classes and Studies available this year. Also find out about Choir, Acolytes, Altar Guild, D.O.K., Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Womenade, and E.Y.C. 

Join us for food, fun and fellowship!