Thursday, August 31, 2017

Help ERD Help!

Episcopal Relief and Development's Harvey Fund - Click here.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

From Bishop Jake...

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Dear Friends,

Our hearts have been rent by the images and stories of Hurricane Harvey's destruction in Texas. Many in our Diocese fear for family and friends in the storm's path. Responses from our congregations have been swift and generous, whether through Episcopal Relief and Development or other services.

Now Harvey has turned toward Louisiana. Schools and offices have been closed in several of our parishes. Floodwaters are encroaching on some homes and businesses in the south and west. We wait together not only to see what this storm brings but also to discern how to be most helpful to those in need.

Our Disaster Relief Coordinator Deacon Lois Maberry has been hard at work for days preparing and coordinating responses and providing resources. I have been communicating with clergy in charge of our congregations to stay informed about all of you. You are in my prayers for safety. Together we will get through this and bring aid to those in need.

We have received notes and phone calls of support from around the Church. The Presiding Bishop, my fellow bishops, and fellow Episcopalians around the country are praying for us and offering their support. I'm sure you share my gratitude.

May our holy and gracious God guide, guard, and comfort us through this storm. And may our common hope sustain us in the weeks ahead as we begin the work of recovery.



Wednesday, August 16, 2017

More Camp Able 2017 at Camp Hardtner - A life changing experience!