Monday, June 7, 2021

The Bible Project

In our Wednesday and Thursday Night (in Spanish) Christian Education Classes following our evening prayers, we’ve been making our way through some of the videos of the Bible Project See For those of you who’ve never joined us, we would like to introduce you to this amazing resource. It is completely free and is paid for by crowd sourcing.  

The videos include info on How to Read the Bible, Themes, Word Studies, Book Overviews, and Book Collections. You can also enroll by email for Podcasts (for iTunes , Google Podcasts , or Spotify) , Reading Plans and Reflections. Check out the Bible Project website, videos, blog, and info graphics. Much of the content is shared via YouTube, or is available to download for free. Lastly, check out the ever expanding versions in other languages – currently 41, with around 3.5 million worldwide subscribers.

 Here’s an example.

You can download the infographic here -