The clergy of our Diocese, just received this message from Bishop Jake Owensby. Accordingly, we return to these restrictions now.
Dear Ones,
Due to the rising number of COVID cases among the fully vaccinated—and a breakout of cases among the vaccinated at Epiphany, New Iberia—I am issuing the following restrictions.
We will return to the use of intinction only for the cup at Communion. Additionally, we will pass the peace from a distance. I recognize that many of you have continued these practices, and it now applies to all.
The root of the problem is the very low vaccination rate in our state. Accordingly, I urge each of you to do all in your power to persuade people in you surrounding community to get vaccinated. Louisiana is among the five least vaccinated states in the country.
As I stated when restrictions were lifted, evolving circumstances could demand a return to more restrictive guidelines. Let’s work together now to avoid a return to masks, attendance maximums, and social distancing.
As always, the non-vaccinated and those with compromised immune systems are strongly encouraged to wear masks or to attend virtual worship only. The infected should quarantine.
In the event of a breakout in your congregation, you will need to cease in-person services in your building for one week to ensure that the space is COVID-free. Outdoor services would still be a viable option if weather permits.
Thank you for your steady leadership, patience, and cooperation. Stay safe and be well.
Please know that we will keep you posted as the situation changes. Please encourage those you know to get vaccinated, and keep everyone in your prayers.