The Parable of the Sower
God, that Jesus is such an extravagant, and wasteful farmer. He scatters seed without
regard for where it falls. Some will surely fall our way. May each of us be
open enough to let the seed that falls our way flourish, and may we become
wasteful sowers of God’s seed ourselves! This very day, God’s seed is being
scattered in places outside the walls of the Church, to others we’ve never met,
in ways we never imagined! Who knows what growth may come from the seed being
sown in these days?"
The Rev'd T. Whitfield Stodghill, III - Sermon for The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 12, 2020
Source of Art - Sower and the Seed, Author Aidan Hart, Donald Jackson & Sally Mae Joseph,
Year 2002, Source