Friday, July 17, 2020

New, More Restrictive, Worship and Gathering Protocols

New, More Restrictive, Worship and Gathering Protocols

An Important Message From Bishop Owensby

Dear Friends,

It is with regret that I email you to issue yet another—this time more restrictive—protocol for worship and all other gatherings (study groups, staff, etc.) of our congregations. Just this week we learned that many of our parishes and metro areas are now classified as red zones due to the increase in positive COVID cases. The updated diocesan guidelines follow the CDC guidelines for red areas.

In short, you will see that indoor, in-person gatherings (worship and otherwise) are prohibited until further notice from me. Virtual gatherings are preferred. Outdoor worship is allowed and those in attendance must wear masks and practice social distancing. Morning Prayer is preferred but Eucharist is allowed under the restrictions outlined in the document.

Our changing circumstances make these difficult times even more trying and exhausting. I understand how frustrating and disappointing this is. Hang in there. I am so impressed with and proud of the love and the devotion you are all showing in these trying times.

Stay safe. Be well. Remember that you are loved.
