Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thank You!

At our July vestry meeting, John Robinson's report had a big smiley face indicating that St. Alban's is doing well financially. This is due to you - the people of St. Alban's - and your endless generosity and faithfulness. Thank you all so much! We appreciate your checks sent via mail or delivered by hand, and your electronically delivered gifts via or through the Diocesan Online Giving Program

As some you know, the church's hot water tank recently had a leak. Thanks to the generosity of one of our parishioner, the carpet has been dried and the church dehumidified. We are replacing the tank and installing a drain pan to run future leaks directly into an adjacent floor drain and changing the floor near the flower closet from wood to something more weather friendly. If you would like to help offset these repair costs - please designate checks or gifts for that purpose. 

Thank you all again!