Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Word about Giving

A faithful and long-time member of St. Alban’s contacted me today wondering about how to continue making their families’ pledge to the church. Since we are not meeting – there is, of course, no weekly collection.

We have been working to bring electronic giving online, but it is not fully ready. So – the short answer is – you can mail your donation to the church or drop it in the church’s mail slot, which is next to our red front doors. We are regularly checking and sorting the mail and Arlyne and I will meet each Friday to get the bills paid and get money for deposit to our Treasurer, Nancy Adams. Nancy and Rita will also sign checks (by the way, the mission will do it’s banking, and bill paying at the same time).

Talking about this is not easy for me. It seems self-serving – since you all pay my salary. We will continue to pay our employees and bills. Some people will send their money as always as a way of being faithful – that is what Dawnell and I plan to do. Others will choose to wait and see – taking care of their families and children first as a way of being faithful – giving when able. There is not a “right” answer. These are uncertain times and many are worried and concerned. Some of you may be out of work or unable to work.

The Vestry and I discussed all of this during a Zoom meeting (online) last Sunday afternoon. The Diocese, National Church, and Church Pension Fund are making accommodations during these anxious times. Together, we will weather this storm.

I urge you to do what you feel best. Fear not. We will make good decisions based on whatever comes and the Vestry and I will be prudent and careful. We’ll figure it out together!

If you have questions or concerns, please give me or any Vestry member a call.
Stay safe. Be well. Stay in touch.

