Monday, May 30, 2022

The Church

The Church

Luckily, the stories of my demise have been greatly exaggerated! 😊

I woke up yesterday morning - The Seventh Sunday of Easter: The Sunday after the Ascension with a sinus headache - just above my right eye - not too bad. So, off to church. I got all set up - everything ready to go, but the headache was getting worse, and I was more, and more nauseated. I really wasn’t  sure I could make it through the Eucharist. What to do? Too late to call for help or let everyone know.

So I put up signs on the doors with my apologies to all and canceled the day’s liturgies. I let the vestry know. 

I went home to a very disoriented dog and concerned daughter, took some medicine and crawled in bed and went to sleep. When I woke at lunch - all better - no headache - no upset tummy. 

The best medicine of all came when I grabbed my phone. All the vestry had checked in and there were many, many texts from church members making sure I was okay. Best of all - I found a  text telling me that a group of the faithful - led by Chris Eby - using the “secret” key - opened the doors, and held Morning Prayer at 10:30. I honestly cannot tell you how thankful and happy that made me feel.

The Church is the Church because it is all of us. We are more together than we are separately. We are the Body of Christ. Yesterday we showed it. 

Thank you!
