Join us in Babylon, where we will explore what life was like for Daniel and his friends as captives in a strange land. You’ll craft cool projects in the Marketplace, laugh as you play Bible-times’ games, sing fun songs, visit with Daniel, and eat interesting food in the Food Court. Plus, you’ll make lots of new friends!
The folks from St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church will join us for
our adventure to work and play.
Location – St. Alban’s Episcopal Church and
McLean Hall
The adventure will last – Sunday, July 15 –
Thursday, July 19
Celebration begins at – 5:30 p.m. (5:00 p.m. on
the 15th for registration)
Each day’s adventure ends at – 7:30 p.m.
Ages 4- 12 years old - For more information,
call 318-323-3139
Register Now! - Forms are available at the church office!