Monday, April 26, 2021

Saint Mark the Evangelist

Saint Mark the Evangelist
Today is the feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist. What follows is the collect of the day, and links to a short video from The Bible Project (a wonderful online resource – we use their videos for our Zoom Bible Project class on Wednesday nights). The video will give you a quick overview of how Mark’s Gospel shares the Good News of Jesus. We also pray this day for the clergy and people of Saint Mark’s churches around the world, and especially for the clergy and people of our Diocesan Cathedral Church, Saint Marks in Shreveport.
The Collect:
Almighty God, by the hand of Mark the evangelist you have given to your Church the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God: We thank you for this witness, and pray that we may be firmly grounded in its truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Bible Project is a crowdfunded nonprofit, that helps people everywhere experience the story of Jesus. The Mark video is here and the poster (info-graphic) is here.