Catherine of Siena, Mystic and Prophetic Witness,
Today the Church remembers Catherine of Siena. Catherine
is known as a mystic, a contemplative who devoted herself to prayer, as a
humanitarian, a nurse who undertook to alleviate the suffering of the poor and
the sick; as an activist, a renewer of Church and society, who took a strong
stand on the issues affecting society in her day, and who never hesitated (in
the old Quaker phrase) "to speak truth to power"; as an adviser and
counselor, with a wide range of interests, who always made time for troubled
and uncertain persons who told her their problems - large and trivial,
religious and secular.
The Collect:
Almighty and everlasting God, who kindled the flame of
thy love in the heart of your servant Catherine of Siena: Grant unto us the
same strength of conviction and power of love that, as we rejoice in her
triumph, we may profit by her example; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.