Dear All,
I attended a talk by author Diana Butler Bass on Wednesday for the clergy of our Diocese. Below is one of the graphics she presented. It is from Pew Research.
Good news, I believe, for all of us! The trend up is good news as well!
Firstly, (in spite of what many believe), more and more of us feel at spiritual peace and sense of well-being. Good news during a difficult and divisive time in our nation, neighborhood, work (maybe), and even in our own families. Most of us believe everything is going to be all right! We feel at peace and a sense of well-being.
Secondly, more and more folks feel a sense of wonder about the universe. That means we are inquisitive and want to learn. That is where you all come in. Thanks for your willingness to grow, learn, and share your faith with others!
Keep up the good work. See you Sunday!