Silver Beaver Awarded to Mark Snellgrove
St. Alban's own, Mark Snellgrove, recently received the Silver Beaver Award
from the Boy Scouts of America. Mark’s Scouting experience as a youth and adult
reached fifty years in 2013. As a youth,
he attained the Arrow of Light, Eagle Scout, and OA membership. As an adult, he
served the Norwela and the Louisiana Purchase Council in multiple volunteer
roles in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, and Exploring. He is Woodbadge trained.
The Pioneer District benefits from Mark's youth - facing and unit committee
leadership experience through his service as a unit and assistant,district
commissioner, where he focuses on several units that are experiencing multiple
challenges. Mark served, on the council's training team and as a winter camp
merit badge counselor. He completed his Bachelor of Commissioner Science in
2012. His volunteer Scouting awards include the Den Leader Coach Award, Webelos
Den Leader Award, and the District Award of Merit.
Established in 1931, the
Silver Beaver Award is presented for distinguished service to young people
within a BSA local council. More than 50,000 recongitions have been conferred
to date throughout the nation. Silver Beaver recipeint's service to Scouting
endures as a living testament in the lives of generations of our Council's
youth and with those whom our scouts touch.
Mark serves in many ways at St. Alban's and is currently a vestry member. Congratulations Mark!