Monday, March 25, 2013

Bishop Jake's Visit

Bishop Jake Owensby visited St. Alban's on Palm Sunday, March 24. While he was here, he urged everyone to check out his Facebook page and find his sermons online. He also took a photo of our altar and our congregation. The link to the Bishop's sermons in on the right side bar of our blog or here.

Here is what the Bishop posted about his visit to St. Alban's on his Facebook page - "What a rich and joyful morning! Reverent worship, good conversation, and delicious food with simply terrific folks! Fr. Whit Stodghill and the folks of St. Alban's make me proud to be the bishop of WLA."

And here are his photos!

Remember that Bishop Jake will be back for The Great Vigil of Easter for Baptism and Confirmation on March 30 at 7:30 p.m.