Thursday, August 30, 2012

More on Isaac

Hurricane Isaac left its mark at St. Alban's
St. Alban’s made preparations for the arrival of evacuees from south Louisiana during the last hours before the landfall of Hurricane Isaac. As many of you know, St. Alban’s has a history of providing refuge that began seven years ago with Katrina. Our friends at Grace Episcopal volunteered to help us too.

Luckily no one needed our help, and most places on the gulf faired pretty well. We did have some previous guests check in with us – just in case they needed us. The damage in Monroe, so far, is minimal with some downed trees, lots of limbs and debris and a few downed power lines.

As of this post, we've lost one tree at the entrance of the east parking lot near the church offices.

Thanks to all who made sure we were ready to help our neighbors in need.