On Wednesday, April 18, 2012, St. Alban's popular Bible Study and Supper, which began during Lent, will continue. We will use the Serendipity Bible and start a study of St. Paul's Epistle (or letter) to the Romans.
Of the various methods of Bible Study that we tried during Lent, this one was one of the most popular. Each session begins with some opening questions that address the themes of the reading for the evening. Then we dig in - looking at the details of that portion of the letter. Lastly, we pray with one another.
Each session will include a simple supper provided by a member of the group on a rotational basis. Come for Holy Eucharist and Unction at 5:30 p.m. each Wednesday and stay for Bible Study and Supper. You'll be nourished in more ways than one.