Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coming Soon to Adult Ed...

Our next Adult Education Class begins on April 22, 2012 at 9:15 in the Conference Room. We will read and discuss Your Bible! The Study Begins.

Your Bible! The Study Begins offers an introduction to the library of books which are the foundation of our faith and provides a refreshing orientation to the Book and opens a door of understanding to all other Bible study.  In seven, sessions, we’ll explore basic issues with contents including:  
  1. What Is the Bible?
  2. How Did the Bible Come to Be?
  3. What is the Old Testament About?
  4. What is the New Testament About?
  5. How Has the Bible Been Preserved and Handed On?
  6. How Shall We Study the Bible?
  7. What Is the Place of the Bible in Our Lives?
Mark your calendar and join us!